jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2017

Christmas holidays

Hello everyone!

Christmas holidays are for resting, having fun and meeting family and Friends.

I don't want you to spend too much time doing English homework but there are many many days and you can practice in these ways:

- Play the english games posted on the blog.

- Memorize the irregular verb list. You can invent games, songs, raps... use your imagination and have fun learning!

Remember to write a sentence using the new verbs included in your english notebook.
Here I have written some sentences as an example of what you have to do:

- Read in English. You can read books, comics, magazines...

Here you have an online newspaper specially designed for children: https://www.timeforkids.com/

- Karaoke: You can learn and play like we did in class with this web page:


You can sing with this karaoke with your family and Friends. It's good fun!



martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017

Shake up christmas (versión corta)

Hello everyone!
This is the song that we are going to sing and dance in the christmas festival. I have cut it as I told you. Listen to it, sing and practice :)

Have a nice long week-end!

lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017

social science project: Create your own business

How can I organize my presentation?

1º) Introduction:

Who are you? who is going to speak about each part...

2ª) Product:

Explain the utility of your product (porque la gente debería comprarlo)
and the name of your product.

3ª)  Budget (presupuesto)

Explain which materials or ingredients you need to produce your product.
Calculate the money spent.
Calculate the final prize of your product (you have earn money,
teneis que tener beneficio)

4º) Process

Explain the process from the material to the final product
(use connectors)

5º) Company

Is your company part of the 1º, 2º or 3º sector? explain
Is it a big, médium or small company? micro if it has
between 1 and 10 workers, small if it has between 10
and 50 workers, médium if it has been 50 and 250
workers and big if it has more han 250 workers.

6º) Closing
Conclude your presentation saying thank you for your attention and asking them if they have any question. You can also ask questions to the class to check that they have been paying attention.

Presentations will be presented on Tuesday and Wednesday