lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017

Social science exam unit 1

What do I have to review for the exam?
Qué tengo que repasar para el examen?

- Population density, natural growth, net migration and real population growth. Qué es y como se calcula. (formulas importante)
- Spanish and Europe population characteristics.
- Population pyramid. Saber dibujarla con los datos que nos den (como en el ejemplo del colegio) y Saber que arriba estan las personas mayores (elderly people), en el centro la poblacion adulta (adult population) y en la base la población joven (young population).

I hope it helps you studying. Espero que os ayude a estudiar.

Review Present simple and Present Continuous

martes, 17 de octubre de 2017

zero conditional exercise and examples


If you press that button, the bells rings.
It is easier to sleep, if you are relax.
When I miss the school bus, I walk.
If I eat too much, I have stomach ache.
When it is cold, He puts on his coat.
When it rains, I use my umbrella.


UNIT 1: Structures

Zero conditional

Click on the picture to practice the zero conditional.

miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017

Population density

Click on the picture to watch the video!

Levels of organization

Game: label the animal and plant cell

Click on the picture and play labelling the cells

Songs about the cell

Click on the picture to watch the video

Parts of the cell

Click on the picture to watch the video!


Cell membrane
Controls what comes in and out the cell.

Cell wall
Gives a shape to the cell and protects it.

Controls all celular processes. Contains genetic information (DNA).

Stores materials needed by the cell.

Absorbs energy from sunlight and uses it to carry out photosynthesis. 
Contains chlorophyll.

Produces energy for the cell. 

It is the liquid inside the cell where organelles float.

martes, 10 de octubre de 2017

Present simple and present continuous

Do you want to review and practice present simple and present continuous?

Click on the picture and find explanation and games :)

Hello fifth graders!

Hello fifth graders!! I hope you found the blog with out problems. As I told you this morning, here I will post games, videos and exercises to learn many many things about English and science. So... Are you ready to learn? Let's do our best! ;)