jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2017

Christmas holidays

Hello everyone!

Christmas holidays are for resting, having fun and meeting family and Friends.

I don't want you to spend too much time doing English homework but there are many many days and you can practice in these ways:

- Play the english games posted on the blog.

- Memorize the irregular verb list. You can invent games, songs, raps... use your imagination and have fun learning!

Remember to write a sentence using the new verbs included in your english notebook.
Here I have written some sentences as an example of what you have to do:

- Read in English. You can read books, comics, magazines...

Here you have an online newspaper specially designed for children: https://www.timeforkids.com/

- Karaoke: You can learn and play like we did in class with this web page:


You can sing with this karaoke with your family and Friends. It's good fun!



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